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Zerb magazine cover refresh.
The GTC’s industry magazine cover just got a face lift.
As with most industry magazines, it is important to evolve over time and Zerb is no exception. It was a good time to refresh the magazine cover design as it coincided with two factors. The first was the introduction of a new managing editor. The second was a need to place more emphasis on the GTC, who recently updated their strap-line to include a wider demographic of skills and gender.

Zerb – A rich visual history.
Zerb magazine has been running for over 45 years and has a rich history of strong visual and engaging covers. The GTC – The Guild of Television Camera Professionals – publishes articles and insights about the camera profession. As this industry is visually based, the covers need to reflect this.
Zerb is unique in that it is both edited and largely written by camera operators, DoPs and camera technology experts. Each issue is edited by a different member of the GTC acting as guest editor. The overall operation is overseen by a managing editor for continuity. This system ensures that material in the magazine is predominantly ‘from the camera operators’ point of view’. And strives to be topical, objective and always of interest to those working professionally with cameras. Featuring an entertaining mix of location reports, technical information and human stories related to the craft of camerawork.

Magazine cover refresh designs.
Toast created a range of magazine cover options, evolving the cover but maintaining a strong visual presence. More emphasis was placed on the GTC, to raise awareness of the Guild. The layout of the cover also enabled easy placement of ‘in this issue text’ as the main cover image can vary in colour and position.

Previous and new Zerb magazine covers.
The new magazine cover now places more emphasis on the GTC while giving the designer more flexibility when placing text elements. We also integrated the masthead with the main image to give a more modern look. This was created while designing the rest of the magazine, which we have been creating for the past 8 years.

Discuss your magazine cover design with Toast today.